Wart experience of wartmal:
I had a wart on my palm few years ago about half a cm in diameter. It developed from an un-popped blister inflicted by hot oil while cooking. I never properly treated it but was always annoyed by it, sometimes picking out pulps sticking out just for the satisfaction imagining I could pick out the whole colony, which clearly failed. About three months later returning from the beach I realized the wart begins to wilt but quickly grows back again. Assuming it was the salinity of the sea water, I covered the wart with table salt holding it together with a Band-Aid changing the salt and Band-Aid every day. After about 3-4 days, the wart shrunk turned dark. Once again, I picked the wart with the tweezers and the entire layer of wart was pulled out. Aww, the satisfaction! Underneath was pink tender skin like you have underneath the outer transparent skin. I did made an appointment with the doctor but the wart was gone when I went to see him. The wart never came back but the doctor doesn't believe the salt removed it.
Wart experience of RM:
I used to work with a lot of produce at a grocery store when I was a teenager and I got warts on my hands like they were going out of style. I had a couple of them frozen off and one cut off, but I kept getting them. Someone that I worked with told me to soak my hands in very hot water for at least 10 minutes every day until they were gone, hot as I could stand without actually burning the healthy skin. He said the wart tissue was not as resilient as normal tissue and would die from the heat. I used water that was about 125 degrees (F) for 15 minutes each day just to make sure. I don't really know when the warts were done in but they all started crumbling off after about a week. As long as I worked there and remembered I kept soaking in very hot water and the warts never came back. I don't work with produce any more so I don't get them anymore, but there is no way they all fell off in the same few days. It had to be the hot water.
Wart experience of knittr:
I have been undergoing treatment for two plantar warts on my left heel for a few months now and am considering stopping in favor of home treatment. My doctor's methods (firI had plantar warts since Junior High School. They were on and off painful, especially as a track runner and the spike catches a hard cinder (60's era). The pain would drop me to the ground. Finally as an adult (30ish) I sought the assistance of a dermatologist. The Doctor used a variety of treatments, electrical burning, acid, cutting and the problem never went away. After a year of weekly treatments, lots of cash, and hobbling around in pain I stopped. I read an article in Readers Digest on plantar warts (mid 70's) and how difficult it was to remove using conventional means. The article stated that if you soaked your feet in 120 deg F water for 20 minutes a day they would go away. They were gone in about a week and never returned.st three treatments with cantharidin, last two with liquid nitrogen and a yeast injection) have been pretty effective so far. Cantharidin reduced the smaller of the two after only two treatments, whereas the larger one didn't budge much. After one liquid nitrogen and injection session, both are quite a bit improved and the smaller one nearly cured. However, in my experience these treatments have been quite painful and temporarily limit my usual activities (the first few days after treatment are painful enough to make walking unpleasant and yoga out of the question).
Wart experience of vj:
I had few planter warts under my right foot. I tried freezing it but it didn't work. I read they are temperature sensitive, that's why doctors try to burn them and freeze them. I decided to treat my planter wart. I soaked my feet in warm water for 3-4 weeks daily. The temperature of water should be warm (don't burn or harm yourself). The entire wart turned black and then I used pumice stone to slowly scrape them daily. I changed my diet to very healthy foods including lots of fresh fruits and vegetables for strong immunity as a healthy immune system also kills the wart virus. All the warts on my foot are gone. No marks, no pain.
Wart experience of leneysr:
I have had the wart on my upper arm frozen off by a doctor twice--this last time the frozen part did not drop off and it has gotten larger by about five times. Going to try the duct tape method.
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